Sunday, July 1, 2012

"SEED" trailer - short film by Tyson Wade Johnston

Teaser went up on various websites/blogs for the new short by Tyson Wade Johnston, a talented young director who attracted a fair bit of attention in Hollywood for his debut film "Exist".

I'd been helping him with some visual and story development and ended up doing some concept and vfx work with our Precog Studios guys on his latest sci-fi project:

Here are some samples of concept and model work in progress from the team:

 Colour comps by A.J. Trahan.

Heavy Transport concept by me & Michael Pedro. 3DS Max model and rendering by Jeff Arthur & Dean Fowler.

Fighter Bomber concept by A.J. Trahan and Michael Pedro.

"A.R.M.D." Autonomous Remote Monitor Drone - an arm work in progress from the drone robot. Concept by me, 3DS Max modeling by Dean Fowler.


Billy George said...

That stuff looks cool as hell!

Rolf said...

Thanks Billy!